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Technical breakdown

DAO DAO's smart contracts are built with CosmWasm and thus run on blockchains that support CosmWasm:

What is CosmWasm?

CosmWasm is a WebAssembly virtual machine that runs in a Cosmos SDK module.

In practice, CosmWasm smart contracts (like DAO DAO's) are written in Rust.

What is Rust?

Rust is a performant, memory-safe, and thread-safe programming language with a rich type system.

Writing smart contracts in Rust allows us to perform better security analysis on our contracts, which in turn protects your DAOs from common attacks.

What about the UI?

DAO DAO's UI is built with Next.js in TypeScript.

As the UI is the primary entrypoint for users interacting with DAO DAO DAOs, its security is as important as the smart contracts themselves. TypeScript increases the likelihood that bugs are detected earlier, during development.