What are SubDAOs?
A SubDAO is a DAO with another DAO set as its admin, which establishes a hierarchical relationship. The SubDAO's admin (or the parent DAO) can execute any action on behalf of the SubDAO. In other words, the parent DAO can force the SubDAO to do something, like spend from it's treasury, manage members, or executing a smart contract.
SubDAOs allow DAOs to build complex organizational structures. You can use SubDAOs to build teams, groups, departments, committees, advisory boards, and more!
How you design your organization is up to you. Here are some examples:
- DAO DAO itself uses SubDAOs to manage various initiatives, like its development processes and validator operations.
- The Corporation was a LARP that relied on SubDAOs heavily, demonstrating how to create a C-Corp-like structure using DAO DAO.
- Neutron DAO, which manages the Neutron blockchain, integrates SubDAOs in its processes. The Security SubDAO has special privileges over on-chain features, while the Grants SubDAO oversees the distribution of grants in the ecosystem.
There are many ways take advantage of SubDAOs. Be creative, and show us what you come up with!